

Версия 2.7.3
66.60 MB
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Выбор редактора: MeetU 2.7.3

Meetup is an online platform that helps to get you connected with other like-minded individuals or organizations who have a common interest in an activity or cause. It allows people to meet face-to-face to share ideas, learn new skills, and make connections. 

With Meetup, you can find a group of people near you who share your interests and passions or even start your own group. Whether you’re looking for a new hobby, a business opportunity, or a way to make friends, Meetup is the perfect place to start. You’ll have a variety of activities and interests to choose from with Meetup, and you’re sure to find something that you’re interested in. The possibilities are endless!

See this short clip introducing Meetup: Meetup intro

Download the latest version of Meetup from the Download Astro website.

📱App Type Social networking mobile application
⚙️Main Function Find and connect with local groups, join activities, and help group organizers manage and promote their events.
✅Top Feature Easy Group Creation
🌎Available Regions Internationally available
Swipe for More
App for connecting with people and attending local events.

Main features of Meetup

  • Easy Group Creation: The easy group creation feature of the Meetup application allows you to quickly and easily create your own meetup groups. You can specify the type of group that you want to create, the location of your group, and any additional information that you would like to include in the group profile.
  • Discovery: Meetup allows you to search for and join local groups, view local events, and find other people with similar interests. 
  • Connect: Meetup allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and groups, attend events, and discuss topics of mutual interest. 
  • Plan: Meetup allows you to create your own events, set up a group page, and invite members to join. 
  • Share: You can share your experiences and photos from events, as well as promote your events and groups. 
  • Organize: Meetup helps you to manage your events, track RSVPs, and communicate with members. 
  • Analytics: Analytics help you gain insights into your events and members.


Downloading and installing Meetup

Meetup is compatible with iOS devices, Android devices, Windows OS, and Mac computers.

Download Meetup at

Follow the steps below to download and install Meetup on your device:

  1. Visit the Download Astro website
  2. Use the search bar at the top right corner of the home page to search for Meetup
  3. Select “Meetup” from the results
  4. Select “Download”
  5. After the download has been completed, install the file.
  6. Launch “Meetup”
  7. Log in to your account or create an account and start using Meetup


Using Meetup

Create an account:

Before you can start using Meetup, you will need to create an account. Sign up with your email address or through your Facebook or Google account. 


Find events: 

After you have created your account, start exploring the Meetup app. Browse events by location or by keyword. You can also filter events by date, type, and category. 


Join Meetup groups: 

Meetup groups are organized around shared interests, activities, and topics. Join a Meetup group and connect with other members who share similar interests and activities. 


RSVP to events: 

After joining a Meetup group, you can RSVP for events. RSVPing informs the group organizers that you are interested in attending their events. 



Participate in the events by engaging with others and taking part in activities. You can also post comments or photos on the event page. 


Connect with other members:

Connect with other members by sending them messages or following them on social media. This is a great way to build relationships and stay connected with the Meetup community.


Meetup: Some pros and cons

Meetup offers many great features, such as allowing users to easily find and join local events with like-minded people. However, there are also some issues to be aware of:



  • Meetup is user-friendly and allows users to easily create and join events. 
  • Meetup allows users to connect with other individuals who share similar interests or are looking for new friends. 
  • Meetup offers a wide variety of groups and events, making it easy to find something that fits every user’s interests. 
  • Meetup is a free application, making it a cost-effective way to meet new people and explore new interests.


Potential issues:

  • Meetup is limited to facilitate local events, so users won’t be able to access events that are being held in other cities or states. 
  • Meetup is a public platform and this opens the door to the misuse of the application for malicious or inappropriate activities. 
  • It can be time-consuming and difficult for users to find the right group that fits their interests.
  • Meetup does not offer customer support


Meetup Alternatives

Eventbrite: Eventbrite is a popular event management platform. It allows you to create, promote, and manage events. It offers a variety of features, such as ticketing, custom registration forms, event promotion, and analytics. 

Download the latest version of Eventbrite from the Download Astro website.


MeetupNow: MeetupNow is an event planning software that allows you to create and manage your own events. It offers features such as event registration, ticketing, payment processing, and event promotion. 

Download the latest version of MeetupNow from the Download Astro website.=


Eventzilla: Eventzilla is a comprehensive event management platform. It provides features such as event registration, ticketing, payment processing, event promotion, and analytics. It also has a marketplace for third-party vendors to offer their services.

Download the latest version of Eventzilla from the Download Astro website.

Версия 2.7.3
66.60 MB
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