ГТА Сан Андреас Дисплей Фичерз - GTA San Andreas Display Pictures

ГТА Сан Андреас Дисплей Фичерз - GTA San Andreas Display Pictures

MSN Display Pictures
Версия 1.0
0.29 MB
Пройдена проверка безопасности
Пройдена проверка безопасности
Программа для улучшения качества изображений в MSN Messenger

Talking with your friends over the internet is a fun pastime and there are a number of users who love to add a touch of their style and personality to their display pictures also known as avatars. The GTA San Andreas Display Pictures are essentially an assortment of graphic images which the users can make use of instead of the standard MSN messenger ones.
The users are simply required take out the images in one folder of their choice and then substitute the current display picture with these ones which take inspiration from the popular game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Because the game Grand Theft Auto is extremely popular amongst youngsters, these images are most likely to take place of their avatars on MSN messenger, because youngsters would prefer these over the standard MSN ones.
The Grand Theft Auto can come to life with your MSN messenger now. This absolutely free display picture set incorporates graphics from the San Andreas game, which features all of the popular characters of the game and many more. GTA San Andreas Display Pictures worth giving a try as they will give a all new makeover to your MSN messenger profile and make it more fun.

Astro говорит:

  • Приятные настройки аватара
  • Бесплатно
  • Совместимость только с MSN Messenger 6/7
  • Ограниченное применение
ГТА Сан Андреас Дисплей Фичерз - GTA San Andreas Display Pictures
ГТА Сан Андреас Дисплей Фичерз - GTA San Andreas Display Pictures
MSN Display Pictures
Версия 1.0
0.29 MB
Пройдена проверка безопасности

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